in answer to your questions...
We get asked some very cool questions. Below are what we've been asked so far with some answers that will hopefully resolve any questions you might have . If the info you need isn't in the answers below please give us a shout
we love a good question!
We pride ourselves on our level of safety, enabling us to provide a safe space for magic to unfold. For more detail on what this looks like...
What do you mean by “Wild”?
When we say “Wild” we mean the Wild within (us) and the Wild without (the natural world). The definition we run with for the word Wild is: the Wild is the self-willed, the natural, and the unknown.
We're passionate about deliberately not grading our adventures. Grading an adventure as easy, moderate, hard etc is entirely subjective. We're committed to providing clear information, and trusting that our adventurers will know what that means for them. And this includes not only the physical considerations of trekking etc, but also the psychological considerations such as sharing tents, getting in cold water, sharing themselves in a new group. Here's a little secret too: people can always do more than they believe x
We love that each person will find challenge and comfort in different places on our adventures and that's the magic of being in a team, supporting each other to stretch our comfort zones, and embrace the wonder of adventure.
What are the outcomes of a Wild adventure to inspire Life?
When you sign up to an adventure with us we provide the opportunity, the safe group environment, the magic and the space. Plus a whole heap of support and encouragement. What you get, and what you do with the magic of the adventure is entirely yours to explore, understand and take forward.
Our approach is based on exploring the wild within and the wild without to foster greater connection with our own truth, build compassion for the truth of others, and explore our role as guardians of our planet. These three key focuses empower individual journeys of personal leadership.
When we work with organised groups, whether that’s schools, organisations or specialist groups, we work with that group to establish their goals for the programme we build with them. These goals, when working with our philosophy lead to outcomes such as greater connection and compassion within groups, improved emotional competence, personal development in the realms of Leadership & Teamwork, improved mental health and wellbeing (with some tools and techniques to continue healthy habits post-adventure), a greater sense of purpose and a sense of excitement in the present, and for the future.
If you’re keen to explore us working with your group, please get in touch, we’d love to chat.
We’re pretty confident that all our adventures will leave you feeling cared-for, loved, refreshed, and re-connected with yourself, others and the planet.
is cold water/wild swimming safe?
Wild Swimming has seen a huge increase in popularity over the past few years, which we think, if done safely is a really special thing. There are some significant risks with getting into cold water and we work with our guests to manage each opportunity to enjoy the magical benefits of cold water safely, which ensures maximum benefit for all. We call it cold water immersion as we're all about conscious action. To develop your awareness of the risks, and how to manage them check out these two great resources:
And to explore more about the incredible health benefits to body and mind check this out
You talk about your adventures as good for whole-self health and wellbeing, I’m interested what you mean by this?
There’s a huge amount of evidence that shows that time in the outdoors and adventurous activity is massively therapeutic. Surfing, mountaineering, climbing and pretty much every outdoor activity is growing in its use as therapy. There was a great article in The Professional Mountaineer (Spring 2021) about the therapeutic nature of adventurous activity – check it out!
We don't offer "therapy" in a traditional sense - we just know that adventure is in itself, therapeutic, and necessary in the human journey.
We as humans are an intrinsic part of the natural world, therefore when we strip away "stuff" and re-connect with it we are by default providing ourselves with a fundamental part of our human experience. You don’t have to be in need of therapy to find the wild therapeutic. On our journeys we introduce how to be mindful of the environment you’re in, how to slow down and notice, we provide the space to be heard.
Adventure is our therapy, we’d love you to join us and remember it is yours too.
Is it safe and environmentally sound to be having fires?
Fires are an environmental hazard if not done safely and consciously. We bring an off-the-ground fire pit, we bring our own sustainable wood with us and forage only for fallen wood should we need more. We do no harm and leave no trace.
All our adventures require some personal gear - but it doesn't need to be the latest in ninja mountain kit. The amount of kit you might need will be personal, and will depend on the adventure you are joining. We provide a simple and realistic kit list for every adventure when you sign-up. We provide any and all group kit required such as tents, stoves etc so no need to worry about those (unless you'd like to bring your own if needed). If you ever want any input into your kit you can reach out to us anytime, and if you're looking for something short term - here's a link to a place where you can rent kit!